C.A.T.E. is closed down... Here is the new repair company CATER PCB Repairs
At C.A.T.E., we offer a nice selection of specialized computer products. We buy and sell in the categories of telephony, high-end servers and network storage.
In our Online Product Catalog: You will find products such as Dialogic, Brooktrout, NMS, & Eicon Diva telephony boards; Wang systems & peripherals; hard drives, networking equipment.
For Telephony PCB and Equipment:
Please visit our Telephony Products :
If you are looking for Wang / Getronics systems and equipment:
For more information on the products we carry and are looking for, please contact us.
If you have excess inventory you are interested selling or recycling you may submit your list and contact us
If you have non-working telephony pcb printed circuit boards we may be interested in buying them or you can have them repaired with us.